Thursday, February 18, 2010


This past weekend I went home feeling sick with influenza and planning to spend the entire weekend convalescing.

And I did just that.

I spent it slowly sipping on a potent home cold remedy, kindly concocted by my father, and watching supposedly motivational reality TV - Ruby and How To Find A Husband.

In the midst of my sniffs, moans and body aches I remembered that Sunday was indeed... Valentines Day. SMS's were sent to friends and kind replies received.

It was then that I noticed that none of these friendly friends were of the male genetic persuasion. Woe was me.

I also realised that I had gone from having a healthy surrounding of male acquaintances to none at all. I mean, I have male friends, but none that you know, a girl can sharpen her flirting claws on.

I also made the alarming revelation that my weight had plummeted my body confidence to such an incredible low that I didn't find myself attractive, so how can anyone else be expected to? A damn shame!

Moi being moi, I decided, I couldn't wallow in self pity overlong. With 2010 being the year of action, I was going to get off my lazy ass and do something about it!

But it was Sunday so I went back to sleep.

Come Monday morning I hit the gym like a lady demon with a purpose! I'm proud to say I haven't lost any significant weight yet but... I feel GOOD and that is what it's all about!

So now February 14, which I had championed as Singles Awareness Day and Feeling Sorry For Myself Day, shall not only go back to being Valentines Day as I plan to embrace my hopeless romantic side, but also that day I decided - I gotta love me first before I get someone else to do it!

So here's to L-O-V-E y'all....may you have it at all times!

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